Our Vision
To positively impact on lives by being a major player in the provision of edible oil and affordable protein products in Nigeria and Africa.
Erhimak Integrated Farms Limited (EIFL) is a rapidly growing integrated agro-industrial company with oil palm plantations, integrated automated palm oil and palm kernel mills. The livestock division is made up of piggery, poultry, and fishery units. The company is also into production of washing soap. A Banga soup sauce Factory is under construction, at commission in last quarter of 2018,will produce about 700mt of canned Banga soup sauce annually. EIFL IS poised to be rated as one of the major players in the Nigeria’s food supply value chain.
EIFL is a unique organization that has started impacting positively on its local environment by way of employment generation. The medium-term plan of EIFL is to train and establish young agricultural entrepreneurs that will not only be self employed but create wealth and jobs for the teaming unemployed youths in Delta State of Nigeria. A pilot out-grower Andrew oilpalm farm, Paul, Enaghware and Ogharafere fish farms have been established for this purpose.
Total Customer Satisfaction:
As stated in our customer relationship mantra, our customers are the essence of our business and the king. Erhimak group ensures that every business decision and action we take is tailored to; first and foremost give satisfaction to all our customers.
The Erhimak group sees integrity as the fulcrum of longer lasting relationships with all stakeholders, starting with the customer. Therefore, honesty and sincerity remain our watchwords in all our dealings – in production, service delivery, and in our reporting. This also entails that we play by all standards and rules, enshrining good corporate governance.
Fresh thinking, future focus, creative imaginations and research based investments and expansion decisions are inculcated in our management style. We believe that this approach will keep us ahead in our products and service delivery ensuring that we give total satisfaction to our customers in the ever changing environment.
Community & Empowerment:
It is the policy of Erhimak Group to be a responsible corporate citizen wherever it establishes. In consonance, Erhimak group ensures that it engages and empowers the host communities by way of direct and indirect employment. Significant of this is our “60: 40 Engagement” tenet which ensures that 60% of our employees at any location are the indigenes of our host community. Since the community is the base of our activities, we shall play major roles in discharging our corporate social responsibilities.
Erhimak Integrated Farm Limited is a major employer in its host community (Oghara) with a work force of 191 persons and this is expected to grow to about 300 in the next two years.
Apart from direct employment, Erhimak Integrated Farm’s operations have a multiplier effect on the host community economy. We will continue to develop the community through contract services, supplies, fresh fruit Bunch purchases as well as EIFL being a consumer of goods and services originating from the host community.
To achieve a viable commercial palm oil processing, Erhimak Integrated Farm Limited will continue to grow its holdings through continuous acquisition, of available lands and planting same. Our target is to have 1000 hectare Oil Palm plantation planted with very yielding progeny in terms of yield per hectare and oil extraction ratio.
At present EIFL has a 3mt per hour mill which can comfortably convert the available FFB from the plantation. Going forward, the major focus of the business in terms of processing is to enhance the value of products Thus after commissioning of our Banga soup sauce in 2018; EIFL will commence fractionation of palm oil to produce vegetable oil.
New piggery, poultry and porcupine pens are being constructed to increase stock of animals. While four new concrete tanks will be added to increase fish stock with 4000 fingerlings by the end of year 2018.
In order to boost electricity supply from the national grid/PHCN, the Erhimak Group has procured large transformers connecting power vide dedicated lines using armoured cables. Our company saw to the procurement and mounting of several electric poles to this effect. The community enjoy electricity through these efforts.
However due epileptic public power supply, the company acquired and installed, various capacity power generating sets (350kva, 25kva, 20kva, etc), as back-up/alternative sources. The company’s production capacity has continued to increase thereby making it very necessary to acquire new and higher capacity generating sets. Unfortunately this has not been achieved due to the high associated cost.
EIFL has adopted an ‘all-stakeholders’ benefit’ approach in its corporate governance practices. We will endeavour to marry our interest with the interest of our major stakeholders which include our host community, employees, customers, suppliers, and relevant government agencies.
EIFL will continue to adopt the most environmentally friendly production process. All process wastes will either be recycled into the plantation or used as fuel in the both in power generation and factory processing. Effort is being made to have a 100% use of organic fertilizer in the plantation. Use of herbicides for weed control is being replaced through planting of legumes as cover crop.
Olorogun Makinde is an agribusiness finance expert having obtained his PhD in this field by research in the Nigerian environment. He has also acquired huge experiences in agribusiness from his over 16 years working experience in two of Nigeria‘s’ leading agribusiness conglomerates; Presco Plc and Pamol Nigeria Limited.
Mr Dike is a 1998 university of Nigeria graduate of Agricultural Economics.
He also holds a master degree in Business Administration from university of Calabar. In 1990, he found the services of Pamol Nigeria Limited as a management. He grew through the management ranks and retired from the services of Pamol Nigeria Limited in 2015 as operation Director.
Mr Dike was appointed to the Board of Erhimak in 2017.
Mr Etacherure holds a Bachelor degree in Accounting from Delta State University Abraka and MBA from National opening university of Nigeria. He is a student member of Institute of Chartered Accountant of Nigeria at professional level. He found the services of Erhimak in 2012 as Account. At present he is the Chief Executive Officer of the company.
Winnie holds a bachelor’s degree from Madonna University Ellele, Nigeria, a master degree from the University of South Whales and recently obtained a PHD in computer copriensics from the University of Derby.
Mandela is an Executive Director responsible for Business Development; he holds a Bachelors degree in Electrical Electronic Engineering from the University of Benin and a Masters degree in engineering management from the University of Derby. He is a student member of Chartered Accountants (AICA) of the Association of Certified on the professional level.
Timothy is a graduate in Industrial Chemistry from the University of Benin and is recently pursuing a master’s degree in advanced food Chemistry and is an advent quality control Enthusiasts.
Mr Otio is a graduate of Accounting. He joined Erhimak at in 2004.